Academic Publications

By Dr Josie McLean

MCLEAN, J. & WELLS, S. 2010. Flourishing at the edge of chaos: leading purposeful change and loving it. Journal of Spiritual Leadership and Management

BRYAN, B., MEYER, W., CAMPBELL, C. A., HARRIS, G., LEFROY, T., LYLE, G., MARTIN, P., MCLEAN, J., MONTAGU, K., RICKARDS, L., SUMMERS, D., THACKWAY, R., WELLS, S. & YOUNG, M. 2013. The second industrial transformation of Australian landscapes. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3, 278-287.

WELLS, S. & MCLEAN, J. 2013. One way forward to beat the Newtonian habit with a complexity perspective on organisational change Systems, 1, 66-84.

MCLEAN, J. 2013. Hermeneutic circles: gaining a collective understanding of what was learned, one by one. ALARA 2013. Brisbane.

BRYAN, B., MEYER, W., CAMPBELL, C. A., HARRIS, G., LEFROY, T., LYLE, G., MARTIN, P., MCLEAN, J., MONTAGU, K., RICKARDS, L., SUMMERS, D., THACKWAY, R., WELLS, S. & YOUNG, M. 2013. The second industrial transformation of Australian landscapes. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3, 278-287.

MEYER, W., BRYAN, B., LYLE, G., MCLEAN, J., MOON, T., SIEBENTRITT, D., SUMMERS, D. & WELLS, S. 2013. Adapted futures landscapes – from aspiration to implementation. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Foundation.

WELLS, S. & MCLEAN, J. 2014. Liberating the change within. International Innovations, 160, 104-105.

MCLEAN, J. & KOTH, B. 2016. The conscious workplace: beyond mindfulness and greening in SMEs. 5th Australian Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Conference. Adelaide.

MCLEAN, J. 2016. How can an organisation learn its way to becoming ‘sustaining’? GCWAL-ALARA World Congress. Adelaide.

MCLEAN, J. 2017. Embedding sustainability into organisational DNA: a story of complexity. Doctor of Philosophy, University of Adelaide.

WELLS, S. & MCLEAN, J. 2019. Emergent organizational change: a living systems perspective. In: METCALF, G. S., DEGUCHI, H. & KIJIMA, K. (eds.) Handbook of Systems Sciences. Singapore: Springer.(forthcoming) xxpgs

MCLEAN, J., 2020. City of Marion case study. In Hawkins, P. and Turner, E. (2020 in press). Systemic coaching – delivering value beyond the individual. Abingdon: Routledge. Xx pgs.